Sunday, March 13, 2016

Arizona Driving on Suspended License Penalty

Today I'm going to talk about the Temporary Driving Permit people are issued when they get a DU. We get this question quite a bit. People get pulled over many times and they'll do a breath test that comes up above an .08, or they'll refuse to do breath or blood test and then there's a warrant and their blood gets drawn and the officer gives a pink and yellow piece a paper called Admin per Se/Administrator per Se Implied Consent Affidavit and its pink there's usually a yellow copy behind it.

Now if you're handed one of these you have 15 days from the date your cited in order to request a hearing, otherwise going to lose your license either for 90 days or year depending if you're a refusal or above an .08. Now what happens is people come in, and they'll higher us we request a hearing for them, there's a second piece of paper, a yellow piece a paper, that looks exactly the same but on the back it says temporary driver's permit. That we fold up, give back to the client and they keep that with them. Now that piece of paper, once the hearing has been requested, that is a driver's license.

It usually takes two to three months before the hearing is actually set, and the hearing is another month after that. So for the next three to four months, that yellow peice of paper is a person's license. If you're stopped by the police you simply show it to them, and say my lawyer requested a hearing. If the officer still writes you a ticket for driving on a suspended license, because they don't understand the 15-day, and the request rule, no problem bring it to us and we'll get rid of it, we'll get it dismissed.

Now here's where it gets tricky, if your blood is drawn and they simply release you, maybe give you ticket to be in court and they don't give you that pink and yellow piece a paper, that's because they're waiting to see if your blood results come back above the legal limit. Now when they do come back the prosecutor's office sends something to to the DMV and the DMV will send you a corrective action notice, and they'll mail it to you, it says "your license is going to be suspended in 15 days unless you request a hearing."

People freak out when they get these, we always tell them relax you simply tell us about it and we'll request the hearing for you and then once again you're still legal to drive for two to three months after that. The only difference is you won't have that yellow piece a paper with you anymore. Again if you run into a problem you simply tell them that we represent you and refer them over to us. Basically anytime you get anything in the mail regarding Motor Vehicle Division with a state they're gonna suspend you, your best course of action is to call a lawyer.

1 comment:

  1. This information is quite useful for many of the people who have got driving license penalty. I am in search of best local Port Macquarie Driving School which is providing automatic as well as manual driving learning. Hope to find one soon as my test is scheduled in short time.
