Thursday, March 10, 2016

College - Planning - Landscape Architecture, University of Arizona

More people live in cities than ever before, the population is going to continue to grow. Where are those people going to live, work, and play? Our professions will help answer those questions, in a way we can all live a prosperous sustainable life. I am very proud of our students. So, they're working in context with real clients, real projects, real problems, they see real results by the time they graduate.

They have impact from the day they walk in. So, they are inventors. They're researchers, they're scholars in that respect, that brings them that ability to have the confidence when they go out in the workplace to really know the craft. We really focus on skills and skill development. I tell all students and parents today, 'Now is the time to enter,' because not only are there going to be a great number of job opportunities, you're going to be able to enter into firms and move into a wider area of work, of subject matter, and area of responsibility.

You'll build your resume much more quickly than ever before. We have world-renounced faculty in their area of expertise. We have the best materials laboratory in the United States, bar none. So, our students are working with some of the top researchers in the country, one-on-one in studios. Choosing a major is a very hard decision. And, what I think, is really essential for the future of any young architect, and landscape architect, is to think of themselves as an inventor. We're problem solvers, but we're creative problem solvers. I'm Jan Cervelli. I am the dean of the College of Architecture, Planning, and Landscape Architecture. Be part of the U of A!

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