How hot is it here in the summer? Here it's really hot, but at least it is dry, so it is not very like, it doesn't feel really bad. I'm from South Korea, and in Korea in the summer it is really humid. I hate it so that's why I came here. So our summer is actually pleasant! This is good to know. Alright, this makes me feel better about how hot I feel right now. It's only going to be hot for the first couple months and the semester. It definitely cools down close to the end of September, maybe middle of October and the rest of the year it is perfect.
What kind of tips do you have for students that are coming to ASU this fall? It's tough. It's really hot I stay indoors as much as possible. I keep my shades on whenever possible. How to beat the heat? Drink plenty of water. Whether you use disposable water bottles, reusable water bottles, or even a handy water bottle backpack whatever you do make sure you're drinking plenty of water every day. I recommend swimming a lot. It's a great exercise and the water is nice right now. So, I am at the information desk.
How do you beat the heat at Arizona State University? There's multiple ways. Wear loose fitting clothing because tight fitting clothes can be kind of stuffy in class. Wear Sunglasses. You can wear hats. Carry an umbrella to shield yourself from the heat in the shade. SPF 30. I'm Casey Thomas and I hope these tips have helped you to learn how to beat the heat.